Friday, 26 October 2012

Vmware esxupdate error code:8

The vmware update service can sometimes get confused about the installed/available updates in wierd and wonderful ways.

I recently got the following error while trying to update an extension and Vmware patches using VUM (Vmware update manager)

"The host returns esxupdate error code:8. The format of the VIB is invalid.  Check the Update Manager log files and esxupdate log files for more details."

A quick check of the esxupdate logfile (/var/log/vmware/esxupdate.log) didn't shed much light and running through an update again (which failed) didn't even show an error message /var/log/vmware/esxupdate.log

Googling the exact error message didn't bring up anything much either other than many hits for other error codes.

A bit of digging eventually got me to this KB article and a very simple fix:

  • mv /etc/vmware/esxupdate/ /etc/vmware/esxupdate/
  • mv /etc/vmware/esxupdate/vibs.xml /etc/vmware/esxupdate/vibs.xml.old
  • esxupdate syncdb

Rescan the host and you should be able to remediate the host.

Further reading - esxupdate error codes:


Posted via email from Pio's work related musings

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