Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Monitoring VMware vSphere ESX4 with Dell ITAssistant with SNMP

This is a howto for setting up SNMP on VMware vSphere ESX4 to work with ITAssistant, written because there's precious little documentation on the matter and what documentation exists is quite often misleading or plain wrong!  Vmware in their wisdom have completely changed the way SNMP is configured in vSphere ESX4 (note not ESX4i which is a completely different kettle of fish and covered elsewhere).  This means (young padawan) you have to unlearn everything you knew and any documentation for pre-vSphere can be pretty much thrown out of the window.  The version used was 4.0.0 but should apply to future versions too.

Install Openmanage 6.1.x or higher

This is done the same way as on older vmware servers or linux systems.

1) download and unzip the Openmanage redhat package (OM_6.1.0_ManNode_A00.tar.gz) from the dell website to someone on in your vmware service console.

gzip -d OM_6.1.0_ManNode_A00.tar.gz
tar -xvf OM_6.1.0_ManNode_A00.tar

This will give the following files/volders:

2) Run setup (as root) and select the first 3 options


Server Administrator Custom Install Utility



  Components for Server Administrator Managed Node Software:


    [x] 1. Server Administrator Web Server

    [x] 2. Server Instrumentation

    [x] 3. Storage Management

    [ ] 4. Remote Access Core Components

    [ ] 5. Remote Access SA Plugin Components

    [ ] 6. All


  Enter the number to select a component from the above list.

  Enter q to quit.


Then select i to install

3) start the Openmanage services  start

4) Open the vmware firewall to allo access to the openmanage web interface

/usr/sbin/esxcfg-firewall -o 1311,tcp,in,OpenManage

Make sure you test it so you know openmanage is working and can see your hardware.  If you can see the disk systems, memory, cpus etc, then fix openmanage first.

Setup passive polling from ITAssistant

Passive monitoring is where the ITAssistant polls the server at a regular interval.  Supported methods in ITAssistant are CIM, SNMP and IPMI.  SNMP with the "get" string is the usual method and what this howto covers.  The ITAssistant documentation recommends creating a new readonly string for use with ITAssistant.

1) Edit the snmp conf file

2) Locate line 41 which should contain this string:
com2sec notConfigUser  default       public

3) Change the value from public to your string used with discovery in ITAssistant.

4) Append the following to the bottom of the file
smuxpeer .

This allows the snmp service to also serve out the Dell MIB information.

5) Restart the SNMPD service
/sbin/service snmpd restart
It often shows "failed" for the stop part but you can ignore that.

6) Restart the Dell Openmanage services for good measure restart

7) Open up the SNMP service on the vmware firewall:
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-firewall -e snmpd

7) Test SNMP with the troubleshooting tool in ITAssistant (tools->troubleshooting tool).  Select the SNMP connectivity test and click the configure button to change the get string to your string (if you're not using

Alternatively use snmpwalk on the Dell MIB Tree
snmpwalk -v2c -c <your-string> .
This should produce alot of scrolling text as it prints all the snmp output.

I'm still ironing out the quirks with active alerts (SNMP traps) and hope to have a definitive guide soon!

Posted via email from Pio's work related musings

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Um 3 years Later.

Sorry, but I followed these steps, and I get the following. What did I do wrong??

snmpwalk -v2c -c xxxx .
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.674.10892.1 = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID