A non responsive vanilla straight-off-the-iso deployment can be caused by certificate issues if part of the key pair is missing (possibly an installer bug?).
To confirm, log into the virtual machine console with the root user and the password that was entered during the setup process and check service status:
systemctl status pveproxy.service
Also check certificate information. If no certificate is present, the command will exit without any output.
pvenode cert info
You can try updating the certificates but this will probably fail.
pvecm updatecerts --force
There are a couple of locations that the relevant key files might be located:
Move files to a backup location:
mkdir ./backup
mv /etc/pve/pve-root-ca.pem ./backup
mv /etc/pve/priv/pve-root-ca.key ./backup
Updating certificates should regenerate a new public/private key pair
pvecm updatecerts --force
If successful, checking certificate information again with pvenode cert info should now show full details of the certificate and the web gui should now be responding, albeit with the usual warning around self signed certificates.