Sunday, 2 March 2025

Apache Superset Error 500 on first login

It appears the docker image for Superset comes in an condition that still needs some tweaking.

Configuration inside the running container can be done with either docker exec, podman exec or an interactive console if a:ailable through the container management tools.

The first issue is a lack of an admin account:

superset superset fab create-admin

Then the database needs upgrading

superset superset db upgrade

Finally superset itself needs to configure some tables in the db:

superset superset init

Now logging into the management UI on port 9000/9443 should work

Running Apache Superset image on Rocky (Redhat) Linux 9

Running containers on Rocky Linux 9 is pretty trivial via the Cockpit webui (available on <server ip>:9090)

The Superset container from is available for download using the container management page in Cockpit. Under the Podman menu, click the three dots and search for superset. The first entry should be the Apache Superset entry:

By default, when the container starts it looks for an environment variable called SUPERSET_SECRET_KEY which can be configured either inside the container configs or passed through as an environment variable, which is the more convenient method used here.

First generate a key with openssl

openssl rand -base64 42

Then simply add the environment variable and generated key under the integration section when create the container.  A port mapping for 8088 is also required to access to the web gui inside the container