Friday, 12 February 2010

Dell iSCSI Tape Library devices not appearing

The Dell TL2000 and TL4000 tape libraries both have the option to be used with iSCSI.  This comes in the form of a SAS to iSCSI bridge which installs in the unit.  The SAS ports are then connected to the Bridge card with an adapter cable (supplied) and the network ports on the card  are connected to your iSCSI network.

The microsoft iSCSI initiator is used to connect to the iSCSI bridge which presents the tape library hardware as a series of targets.

At first glance the first target appears to be duplicated but do not be fooled (like I was).  These are actually the first tape drive *and* the robotic library itself.

Once all the devices are logged on, you should see the Robotic library and all the drives in your changer in backup exec although you may need to rerun the device detection wizard in BE first.

Posted via email from Pio's work related musings