Friday, 19 November 2010
Checking DFS replication status
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Netstat tips and tricks for Windows Server admins
What process is running on the open port: Tracking down which process identifier (PID) has a port open is quite easy when netstat is run with the -a -n -o combination of parameters
A useful article explaining the netstat command parameters, especially the example I'm always looking for which shows the process name.
Friday, 12 November 2010
Serial ports created during a P2V process & why you should delete them asap
VMWare iSCSI access policy in vSphere ESX4.1
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
Sysprep in Windows 2008
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
Unknown status for servers in ITAssistant
ITAssistant often seems to give unknown status to servers for no apparent reason. The usual fix for this is just to refresh the inventory of the unknown servers (annoying but quite quick to do).
However sometimes servers go unknown and won't respond to an inventory, even if you bounce the ITAssistant services or the SNMP services on the remote server.
The first step is to try the troubleshooting tool in ITAssistant...
and run the SNMP connectivity test...
The result should show a list of SNMP agents installed on the server. A healthy Dell Openmanage report will list the OpenManage Server Agent, plus any additional components that were selected (such as storage management.
If the OpenManage SNMP agent isn't showing you'll probably only see a couple of agents.
1) A problem server
Connected to the agent software(s) - [broadcom, NA], [mib2, NA]
2) An OK server
Connected to the agent software(s) - [broadcom, NA], [cminventorysnmp, NA], [drac3, NA], [mib2, NA], [OpenManage Server Agent, 5.8.0], [storagemgmt, NA]
2) Uninstall SNMP
3) Reinstall SNMP
4) Reinstall Dell OpenManageFinally go back into ITAssistant and re-run the troubleshooting tool to make sure you get the full SNMP output for OpenManage and if this is ok, re-inventory the server in OpenManage and your unknown status should clear. Of course if you take the opportunity to upgrade OpenManage you may find your firmware is out of date and you get a warning status, but that's a different subject...